Preparing for Surgery

Before Your Surgery

Pre-Operative Testing

Your doctor may require lab work, an EKG or other tests to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery. This must be completed at least five days before surgery.

Medication Review

You must discuss all medications you are currently taking with your doctor prior to surgery.

Arrange for Transportation and Care

No patient having anesthesia or sedation will be allowed to drive themselves home. You must have a responsible adult with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. Taxis are not acceptable for transportation home unless you are accompanied by another responsible adult. For safety reasons, a child must be accompanied by two adults. The driver should not be caring for a child who has received anesthesia.

A nurse from will call you pre-operatively with your arrival time and time for the anticipated start of the procedure. If you have any questions, please call (845) 454-0120.

Your doctor may require lab work, an EKG or other tests to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery. This must be completed at least five days before surgery.

You must discuss all medications you are currently taking with your doctor prior to surgery.

No patient having anesthesia or sedation will be allowed to drive themselves home. You must have a responsible adult with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. Taxis are not acceptable for transportation home unless you are accompanied by another responsible adult. For safety reasons, a child must be accompanied by two adults. The driver should not be caring for a child who has received anesthesia.

A nurse from will call you pre-operatively with your arrival time and time for the anticipated start of the procedure. If you have any questions, please call (845) 454-0120.

Day of Surgery

Fasting Instructions

You may not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery unless directly instructed otherwise by our office.

Items To Bring With You

  • Valid insurance card
  • Photo identification card
  • You must also bring your referral, if required by your insurance.
  • If your child is the patient, please bring a favorite soft toy or blanket.

Items To Leave At Home

  • Your wallet (except for your insurance card, credit card, and photo ID)
  • Jewelry and other valuables should be left at home for safekeeping.
  • The ASC cannot assume responsibility for lost items.
  • Please leave children who are not patients in the care of a responsible adult at home.

What To Wear

  • Please wear loose fitting clothing. You will be provided with proper attire during your stay.
  • Patients having shoulder, arm or hand surgery shoulder wear a button-down shirt, as it can be difficult to pull a shirt on over a sling, splint or cast. Patients having leg, knee or foot surgery should wear loose fitting pants. Leggings can be especially difficult to wear with a splint or cast.

What Not To Wear

  • Remove all jewelry including rings, earrings and body piercings. The metal in jewelry may burn the skin if electrocautery is using during you surgery.
  • Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and dentures must be removed prior to surgery.
  • Please do not wear makeup or dark fingernail or toenail polish. Fingernail polish may interfere with our ability to monitor the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream.

Pre-Operative Review

Our staff will review your personal history, the pre-surgical checklist items, what you can expect regarding the procedure, discharge plans and care after surgery. Please feel free to ask any questions or discuss any concerns. Be sure to indicate any medical issues you may be experiencing as well as any medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, you may be taking.

Meeting With You Anesthesiologist

Your anesthesiologist will discuss your anesthesia plan and review your medical history the morning of surgery.

You may not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery unless directly instructed otherwise by our office.

  • Valid insurance card
  • Photo identification card
  • You must also bring your referral, if required by your insurance.
  • If your child is the patient, please bring a favorite soft toy or blanket.

  • Your wallet (except for your insurance card, credit card, and photo ID)
  • Jewelry and other valuables should be left at home for safekeeping.
  • The ASC cannot assume responsibility for lost items.
  • Please leave children who are not patients in the care of a responsible adult at home.

  • Please wear loose fitting clothing. You will be provided with proper attire during your stay.
  • Patients having shoulder, arm or hand surgery shoulder wear a button-down shirt, as it can be difficult to pull a shirt on over a sling, splint or cast. Patients having leg, knee or foot surgery should wear loose fitting pants. Leggings can be especially difficult to wear with a splint or cast.

  • Remove all jewelry including rings, earrings and body piercings. The metal in jewelry may burn the skin if electrocautery is using during you surgery.
  • Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and dentures must be removed prior to surgery.
  • Please do not wear makeup or dark fingernail or toenail polish. Fingernail polish may interfere with our ability to monitor the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream.

Our staff will review your personal history, the pre-surgical checklist items, what you can expect regarding the procedure, discharge plans and care after surgery. Please feel free to ask any questions or discuss any concerns. Be sure to indicate any medical issues you may be experiencing as well as any medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, you may be taking.

Your anesthesiologist will discuss your anesthesia plan and review your medical history the morning of surgery.